Junior League of Boston Show House
The Nathaniel Allen House in West Newton recently underwent a tremendous transformation when over 20 designers put their talents to use. The rich history of the house, one of the first women schools in the country, made this project an easy yes for both Cecilia Walker (Cecilia Walker Design, Hingham) and I. The Junior League of Boston's great support of community and girl's programs was a huge draw as well. The room we chose to design is a Butlers Bar on the first floor and what a project it was. We wanted to create a space that spoke to the homes history with rich color but also spoke to both our styles, clean with a modern and vintage mix. Both Cecilia and I have lot's experience with renovating old homes so the vision was the easy part. The show house runs through June 5th and the proceeds support programs that are designed to support girls in the area of self esteem, leadership development and fitness and nutrition. All good stuff for our girls! Visit https://www.jlboston.org to purchase tickets then go and get inspired!